Volunteer Service
The Epagneul Breton Foundation, Inc., appreciates all volunteer efforts, no matter how big or small. On occasion we recognize volunteers who share special talents, resources or time and energy to help the organization and the Epagneul Breton breed.
Special Thanks
To Foundation Volunteer —
William Secord of The William Secord Art Gallery, New York, NY
When The Epagneul Breton Foundation, Inc., was in its planning stages, one of its promoters contacted Mr. William Secord of The William Secord Gallery in New York City for assistance. The founders hoped to incorporate a historic piece of art into the foundation's official emblem. They were particularly interested in a renowned terra cotta head study of an Epagneul Breton completed by the French Artist and sculptor Richard Fath (1900-1952). This famous piece was exhibited and sold to a private collection by The William Secord Gallery a few years ago.
Mr. Secord promptly and kindly responded and is credited for gaining permission for the foundation to use the Fath Head Study in its emblem. The present owners of the piece agreed to the request but desired to remain anonymous. Mr. Secord further assisted the foundation in securing excellent photographs of the Fath head study in addition to similar photos of a famous Fath bronze sculpture, also depicted on the foundation’s web site. He also located and shared research and a book about Fath's other work which focused on depiction of various breeds of dogs.
As a worldwide authority on the depiction of dogs in paintings and other artistic mediums, Mr. Secord has authored many books, including the recently released The American Dog at Home, The Dog Paintings of Christine Merrill; and, Dog Painting, The European Breeds.
Mr. Secord is passionate in his love of all artistic mediums of dog art and enthusiastically supports the work of The Epagneul Breton Foundation, Inc., in its mission related to art education. He has generously offered to act as an honorary advisor to the foundation board and share his expertise in matters of the artistic representation of the Epagneul Breton. We are grateful for his generosity and valuable assistance to the foundation and wish to recognize him as our first honorary volunteer!
The William Secord Gallery is located at 29 West 15th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10011
To Foundation Volunteer —
Karin Lee-Fournier
After searching unsuccessfully for an exclusively Epagneul Breton calendar, Karin Lee-Fournier decided to create her own 2019 calendar and offer it to other admirers of the breed. “I purchased a pup from Ed Smith (of Smith’s Epagneul Bretons) and read about this scholarship fund and knew if I did this project, I would want it to benefit the Joyce Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund,” Karin said.

Karin solicited photos from Epagneul Breton owners and photographers, and compiled a stunning representation of the breed for the calendar, from photos of dogs performing in the field to a puppy carried in the back pocket of a hunting vest. Karin expressed gratitude to the EB community that came together to produce the calendar, but her devotion and hours of effort brought it to fruition. Proceeds from the calendar raised nearly $1,000 for the scholarship fund, and EB enthusiasts across the country are now proudly displaying their calendars in 2019.
The Epagneul Breton Foundation, Inc., and others involved with the Joyce Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund sincerely appreciate Karin’s thoughtfulness and dedication.
Special thanks is also extended to photographer Jimmy Cobb for his generous assistance.
To Foundation Volunteer —
Reynald Lefebvre
As a part of its educational mission, The Epagneul Breton Foundation, Inc. had approved a grant to sponsor and help defray costs for a detailed Conformation Seminar at the 2022 Conclave of the Club Epagneul Breton of the United States Conclave held in Armour, South Dakota in September. The six-hour seminar was presented by the Honorable Reynald Lefebvre of Quebec Canada. However, Mr. Lefebvre graciously and generously donated the stipend back to the Foundation to help continue its work to provide educational resources for Epagneul Breton supporters and enthusiasts.
Mr. Lefebvre is a long-time friend of the EB Community in the United States. He judged the club’s first UKC sanctioned field trial held in Armour, South Dakota in April of 2003 and he is a former recipient of the CEB-US Peter Ward Service Award, which is awarded annually to persons who have provided devoted and unselfish service to CEB-US and the Epagneul Breton Community in the U.S.

Mr. Lefebvre has been a CEB-US approved Expert Confirmateur since 2015, and is qualified to confirm Epagneul Bretons in France, the United States, and Canada. He has judged the breed in field work in France, Canada and the United States, and is also an experienced licensed conformation judge who has judged numerous Epagneul Breton Specialty Shows and National Elevages. His presentation on conformation to those attending the 25th Anniversary CEB-US Conclave was well received, and full attendance and completion of the seminar helped satisfy a portion of the instructional requirements for persons applying to become qualified as CEB-US Expert Confirmateurs. Mr. Lefebvre's contributions to the breed over the years and his willingness to share his expert knowledge are sincerely appreciated.